New Year's is one of the most exciting holidays. You feel like you have a fresh start and that anything is possible. You jot down your resolutions, make a pact to yourself to cross some things off your bucket list, and proclaim to the world that by God, this WILL be YOUR YEAR.
Of course, we all know that by March most of our resolutions are in the dust, even the thought of skydiving gives you extreme anxiety, and you now only have 8 months to make this the greatest year of your life.
Oh well, at least you can make New Year's Eve one heck of a party. And since it is indeed a party, you better dress like it.

I like to bring out my inner Gatsby, so you best believe I am a full advocate of dressing in sequins from head to toe. Here are my top NYE outfit ideas that are sure to have you sparkling.

Oh my heart, how I love sequin dresses. Funny enough, each of these dresses you can find on Daily Chic (well played, ladies, well played). I own the first dress on the left, and wore it last year. I can't even tell you how many compliments I got! I felt like a movie star in that dress (and isn't that what a great dress should make you feel like?).

If you want to forgo the dress route, rompers, leggings and skirts are the perfect alternative. This gold romper and skirt are also from Daily Chic (this boutique is seriously killing it) and those fabulous leggings are from Gianni Bini, which can be found at Dillards!
Don't feel like you can only dress up in sequins for New Year's though and can only wear these items once either! Why not for your birthday, date night, or a girl's night? Shouldn't we always dress up in gorgeously impractical things like sequins, glitter, tulle, and lace? My answer is YES!
As Lilly Pulitzer said,
LIFE is a party. Dress like it.
Keep Celebrating!